Website Development - WordPress, HTML, PHP, and more.
Your website is your virtual business card, service/product portfolio, lead generating tool, and more. Make it shine!
Website is a big part of your online brand presence, make it count! Your prospects are looking up your website to learn more about the company, product/services, read client testimonial, download brochures and more.
MarketinGROW helps small businesses with Website Development services including website design/redesign, band-aid fix, website migration, maintenance and hosting services.
How We Can Help?
Domain registration & hosting
Website and Web Application Design
Web Design
Website and Web Application Design
Website Maintenance
Website Maintenance and Technical Support
Band-aid Fixes
Bug fixes and customization to existing Website
Payment Gateway Integration
PayPal, Stripe,, Instamojo and more
SSL Certificate
Install SSL Certificate
Website Migration
Migrate your existing Website to another server
While talking about web development to service providers many a times you may not know what to expect or ask as it may seem too technical. To help you understand your business’ web development needs better and find the right match here are some FAQs on web development by MarketinGROW experts:
If Google hasn’t indexed your website your site will not show up on Google search engines. Google requires inbound links to your site when are setup through Google services and then Google will recognize your website in its search engine. Contact our consultants and we will help you set up the link and activate Google search engine ranking for your business.
As little as 4days, once Google has your website registered and set up a well development and designed website will start to show up on google search engine results.
Once your website is live you have to maintain it periodically. Monitor traffic, analysis keywords, update content and engage with visitors. Sign up for a management contract with MarketinGROW as we provide pre and post development services for your website.
Absolutely! Gone are the days you would think web site creation, design and management are time consuming and heavy on your business budget. MarketinGROW provides budget friendly web development services and redesigning of your existing websites.
Static website is a basic website that is written only on HTML, whereas, are dynamic as the name suggest is more flexible, written on complex code thereby allowing it to be multi faced for its users. Dynamic website can be changed more frequently and supports more advanced formats on the webpage.
Yes, you can. Where some pages can be hosted on a static code, other pages can be designed on a dynamic code to support flexible changes periodically.
We include all major gate way platforms in our web design a development. Although, depending on your requirements we can study specific platforms of your interest and integrate it with your website.
Word press is a Content Management System (CMS) that helps you host your website without the requirement to know complex codes and HTML coding that is required to build a website from scratch.